“The bioceanic corridors are key to regional integration. They are going to strengthen relations with Chile, with Brazil, and they must be the veins through which the productive network circulates, which of course also includes Uruguay and Paraguay,” said Guillermo Justo Chaves, Chief of Staff of the Argentine Foreign Ministry, when participating. on October 22 of the webinar ‘Patagonic Bioceanic Corridors: An integration option between Mercosur and the Pacific Alliance’.
Bioceanic corridors are today more of a necessity than a distant dream or project, because global trade integration demands a reduction in logistics costs. Therefore, the possibility of exit to Asia and the Pacific for both Argentina and Brazil It is a challenge that we cannot postpone any longer.
Argentina’s great challenge is the production of food for human consumption. The corridors must be an integration mechanism so that we can take advantage of this value chain, because the corridors go hand in hand with the development of the countries. They are not only connecting highways but are fundamentally development infrastructure, because they promote social integration, logistics, the movement of people, cultural exchange and job creation.
“Mercosur and the Pacific Alliance have to interact, think about them in an integrated way. That is the challenge. There has to be a multimodal integration of the corridors: linking the road, railway, and waterway networks, and only then will it make sense”

“Argentina has two fundamental rivers in the south with enormous potential for the development of agricultural production and quality agri-food. From the production of fruits to the production of meat of all kinds, in optimal sanitary conditions – because it is a region free of foot and mouth disease without vaccination – we have the opportunity to populate the coast of the Río Negro, with works that could be done in three or four years. , and that this would give that region a phenomenal production space for quality proteins; “It would mean enormous development from a population point of view, with employment and labor in a set of issues that have to do with the entire agri-food production chain.”
“The opportunity is there. The market possibility is there. We know all the advantages that exporting from Pacific ports has for Argentina. We are talking about 20 days less travel, lower freight values, additional competitiveness that our entire region would have, employment in Chile would improve, employment in Argentina would improve, there would be more opportunities for the development of the Chilean people and more opportunity for development for our people”