In MERCOSUR, it should be noted, health and safety at work (OSH) is a right enshrined in article 17 of the first Socio-labor Declaration of MERCOSUR (1998) and in article 25 of the Socio-labor Declaration of MERCOSUR 2015 (DSL 2015 ).1
This right has as its starting point the implementation of a national health and safety system at work, which guarantees the continuous improvement of working conditions and environment (article 25, paragraph 1 of the DSL 2015). From there, the activities of the regional plan are developed within the scope of the Commission of the Technical Team for Health and Safety at Work (CETSST) and other socio-labor bodies of MERCOSUR. In this sense, the CETSST, after consensus of its members, at the meeting on October 29, 2021, decided to group together in an annex to the minutes of the meeting all the documents that are under analysis, which as of that date amount to fourteen publications. .
That said, we will carry out a review of the CETSST as a member of the socio-labor bodies of MERCOSUR.2 Following Robles (2002), the socio-labor bodies of MERCOSUR are those areas whose themes include, in the integration process, the social and labor problems and conflicts that affect the population and are called the social dimension of integration.3 Regarding SST in MERCOSUR, three areas operated: 1) Commission No. 5 “Health and Safety at Work” (created in 1992), 2) Thematic Commission III “Health and Safety at Work, Labor Inspection , Social Security and Child Labor”, in 1996, and 3) the CETSST, since 2017.